Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Life is so Precious

Last November my Grandfather passed away at the age of 94. Two weeks ago my Uncle Dave, my Grandfather’s first born child passed away at 64. It does not quite seem fair that my Uncle’s father lived 30 years longer than he did. 30 years! That’s the entire life of my wife. As our family struggles to understand my Uncle’s passing all we can really do is be assured that he is in a better place. Having a Memorial Service in my Grandfather’s church just 13 months after his passing for my Uncle was not an event any of us planned. In fact the entire day with a Graveside burial just 2 plots away from my Grandfather’s was all too much of a reminder that our family had to deal with the loss of 2 family members so close in time. My Grandmother has remained strong as I cant imagine what it must be like to lose your husband of more than 65 years then 13 months later have to bury your first born child.

In the past 5 years I have witnessed death more so than in my previous 30 years of life. My wife and I have been connected to 10 people who have died in the past 5 years via being a family member or personal friend. Deaths that ranged from old age, to sudden illness, and even a father in his 30’s who left behind two young sons and a 90yr old who opened up her home to a stranger in need and was murdered. We have attended 7 Memorial Services together. Having dealt with this in the past 5 years has really made me think about Death more often. It makes me realize that is short and we must truly live it to the fullest. We need to tell those whom we love that we love them, each and every day. We need to not worry about the little things as much and realize we are not in as much control as we think.

During this Holiday Season I am thankful for my health and the health of my family and for all the God has blessed me with but I also think about those I have known who have passed. I pray for their families and friends and for God to watch over them during this time of year. It reminds me of how precious life truly is and how we have to enjoy each and every day and live it to the fullest.

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