Friday, November 18, 2011

96 days

96 days ago my life got better - way better! A burden on my shoulders was lifted, a monkey off my back. There was no more holding me back and there would be no more lying to be done. My fate had been sealed long before and it just took the powers that be to choose the path that they chose and in return it placed me on a road such much brighter than I had ever been on before. No more lies, backstabbing, or manipulation. That time had passed and the abused would be well on his way to much bright pastures. The saying "its greener on the other side" couldn't be more true but its more than that, so much more! In 96 days since I have been extracted from the volatile situation which was holding me back and since then it has been blessing after blessing. THAT past part of my life is gone and will barely be a dust print in my story. What lies ahead will be a Big Foot marking with satisfaction written all over it. I get goosebumps thinking of the future and how God has blessed me throughout. The strength I received, the fight that I am fighting, and the outcome of this great injustice is all part of the plan. Its a plan many may not have seen, a plan many may not have pursued but it is a plan that makes me smirk with giddiness as I see what the future holds and its amazing. I am living life happier than ever now.

Ive got the most precious and beautiful baby girl in the world and she is mine, well 50% anyways. Ive got a wife who has my back and would do anything for me and her love is something not found in your typical marriage, its golden! For the first time in over a decade we have a new car, an amazing brand spanking new car that is perfect for our family. Ive got a job that would make all my previous jobs jealous with envy. Its remarkable and its the reason I could afford a new car for my family, its something I did not have 96 days ago. Its Christmas time and this year it will be different, different for so many reasons. While I look at the lights on my Christmas tree and smell the Fresh Balsm in my home I am thankful for so many things. People always say everything happens for a reason and oh yes it does. It does indeed. Although the road was dirty and filled with filthy potholes it could not stop this ride not matter how hard they tried and how much they lied they could not stop this ride.

Luke 16:10 - "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much."

Proverbs 12:5 - "The plans of the righteous are just, but the advice of the wicked is deceitful."

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